#28: to dream again


“you live by doing things but you come alive by dreaming because when you dream, it comes with endless possibilities.” - eleni k.

I have stopped dreaming for the past 5-7 years and I felt God is asking me to dream again.

And I find that my mind sighed at the thought of it and at the same time I could feel like my heart is dancing around whilst throwing confetti. I think I know why there is a mixed reaction in me.

It's this 👉🏼 you live by doing things but you come alive by dreaming because when you dream, it comes with endless possibilities. You're starting with a blank canvas and that's something that is rarely handed to us these days because life is filled with dos and donts. Not a bad thing as we do need certain guidelines to navigate our lives but beyond that, it's something that seems rather far-fetched.

When you go through hardships, there is a part of you that is being chiseled away unknowingly.

Often time, one of them is the dreaming part because that part feels like a luxury and not a necessity. You forget what it is like to dream because your attention/emotions/finances are spent on that hardship. Btw, I have nothing against hardships because I believe it shapes one to be resilient and along with it, many more commendable attributes. But talk to anyone, hardships do something to you. It chiseled away some part of you and it takes recognizing what has been chiseled away, to be able to create space for it to come back into your life.

Everything that we have today all began with a dream.

The phone you are holding, the internet system that we are so dependent on these days, the years of communications progression and etc. It was once a dream. Someone dreamt that dream for us to be able to enjoy it today. Dreams bring about innovation and progressiveness into our human lives.

To be able to dream is a reward in and of itself.

It breathes in you the possibilities of a better future for you. It makes your heart comes alive because it shows you that there is more to what and where you are presently at.

Every dream is important and every dream gets refined over time.

The fulfillment of a dream mostly doesn't happen at a snap of a finger or overnight. Because dreaming requires bravery and with it comes a spectrum of hard work. The dreaming stage gives you the foundation and the big picture of what it is to be but the process of that dream coming to pass, goes through many stages of refinement. That process of refinement is also akin to a testing ground because it reveals your heart and your character. You will definitely find the good, the bad, and the ugly in you. And most certainly whether you have in you to see the dream through at that present moment.

But you know what? Even if you don't have what it takes to see the dream through at that moment; PRESS ON with that dream because through the process of refinement, you will have what it takes to see it through and to live in that dream when it finally comes to past.

No doubt that dreaming also brings with it the possibility of being disappointed.

That could be one of the major reasons why we shy away from it but it is better to dream than to not dream at all. It is better to have said to yourself "I was brave enough to dream dreams even though I'm not able to live in them" then to one day, sit on the bench, wishing you have dream dreams and the possibility to living in them at that moment. Let's not live in the "what ifs" but instead on"Oh yeah, I did" or even "I once dreamt about that".

And truthfully, it is okay if a dream didn't come to pass once you've given your all.

No regrets in that because you've done everything that you could. And that in and of itself is already a major accomplishment.

Let's all search our hearts and dream again.

Doesn't matter whether it is big or small. Just dream and let your dream surprise you

Originally me,

Eleni K.

#year2021 #life #journey #anewdawn202 #fearless #thankful #godisgood #Godyear #blessings #newyear2021 #anewdawn #new #dawn #newheart #newspirit #breakthrough #miracles #overflow #newbeginnings #Godisalwaysgood #yourstory #dreamagain #comealive


#29: making space for the new


#27: satan, not today!