#08: moments

1 word series +

//i now understand & beginning to understand better why it happened & why it had to happen//

Sometimes, all you need is one moment for it to be a turning point in your life. I’ve had my fair share of that. Two specific moments that changes the course of my life. I didn’t understand it at that time when it happened and I couldn’t see why I had to have that happened to me at that time but looking back, I wouldn’t change a single thing about that moment. Not the time, the place, the people or even the issue at hand because I now see the fruit of it (some months and some of it took years).


I now understand and beginning to understand better why it happened and why it had to happen. You might not understand why you went through or am going through certain things at this moment but maybe, just maybe that moment could be your turning point towards your calling. To the very thing that you are meant to do or be because you know what, things has a way of revealing itself at the right time.

Originally me,

Eleni K.

#passionproject #onewordseries #word #stories #design #graphicdesign #musings #creativity #short #moments #turningpoint #celebratelife #real #revealing #calling #search #righttime #time


#11: maze


#07: stories