the atlas story
every year since 2015, God will drop into me the theme for the year that is to come. And for 2022 - 2024, it was the theme “The Atlas Story”.
The Atlas story is about the discovery of God in my life where, every part of it is consume by Him and the grandeur of Him.
2024 - the atlas of Him
To pursue His presence wholeheartedly, coupled with the peace that He gives which comes with protection.
Becoming me ❤️
God showed me a vision of myself sometime in November last year that is to take place this year. I was wearing this sequin dress made with armoury material, much like the one in LOTR that was given to Bilbo by the Elves. The material mentioned was Mithril; a fictional metal found in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth writings. It is described as resembling silver, but being stronger and lighter than steel. In that vision, I was walking by the streams of water barefooted with a crown on my head. I was walking ever so slowly, there was no rush. Even tho there is this strong gushing waterfall next to me, I am at peace with the Lord as I continue this journey.
2023 - the atlas living
It is a journey rewritten because of His grace; rebuilt on the right foundation by receiving His love and living in the sweet spot of His peace to the rhythm of heaven.
That daily living becomes more intentional and purposeful. Relationships are built on the foundation of love and meeting with people becomes so much more than just passing time but adding value into lives where possible
A life lived full of wonder, hope, and love. A life lived full because of Jesus❤️
2022 - the atlas of things
It is the coming together of the different things in my life as a creative spectrum - it doesn't have to overlap but it exists in the same space.
God will be giving me the space & the breath (breath of God: Ruah) to figure things out.
Ruah (pronounced as Ruach in Hebrew) is the wind that parted the waters and created dry land, it is the very breath that God breathed into humans in our creation, it was this spirit that parted the seas and allowed the people to escape from slavery in Egypt, it is the same spirit that Jesus claims and empowers the early church in Acts.